Laparatomy or laparotomy is a surgical procedure by making an incision in the abdominal wall. Laparatomi is performed to diagnose and treat problems in the organs in the stomach, such as digestive problems and disorders of the liver, pancreas, spleen, and bile.
Not only internal organs, Laparatomi or coeliotomy can also be done to examine blood vessels and tissue in the stomach. The size and location of the incision made depends on the disease suffered by the patient. This procedure generally requires general anesthesia (general anesthesia).
The purpose of Laparotomy
Laparotomy is generally recommended by doctors if physical examination and imaging tests (such as CT scans and X-rays) on the abdomen have not provided an accurate diagnosis or results. With the laparotomy procedure, the doctor will look at the condition of the inside of the stomach to find out what is the problem or cause of patient complaints. Direct handling will also be done if needed. This operation can be used to diagnose and treat various diseases, such as:- Liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, or ovarian cancer.
- Gallstones.
- Acute appendicitis.
- Hole in the intestine (intestinal perforation).
- Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal wall (peritonitis).
- Diverticulitis.
- Stomach injury (abdominal trauma).
- Infection, injury, or enlargement of the spleen and liver.
- Gastrointestinal TB.
- Endometriosis.
- Scar tissue in the abdomen or attachment to organs in the stomach.
- Pregnancy outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy).
- Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) acute or chronic.
- Heart abscess.
Laparotomy Procedure
As mentioned above, Laparatomy is a type of surgery performed with general anesthesia (general anesthesia). Under the influence of general anesthesia, the patient will fall asleep and feel no pain during the operation. The following stages of the laparotomy procedure:1. Preparatory procedures before surgery
Some preparations that need to be done before undergoing laparotomy surgery are:- The patient will undergo a series of examinations, including physical and supportive examinations, such as X-rays and complete blood tests.
- The doctor will ask if the patient is taking drugs, supplements, or herbal medicines, and has a history of certain drug allergies.
- Inpatient in hospital if needed.
- Fasting a few hours before the operation. Anesthetist or surgeon will determine when the patient starts fasting.
2. Operating procedures
During the laparotomy procedure, the following things will happen:- The skin in the abdominal area to be sliced ​​will be covered with antiseptic solution to prevent the risk of infection.
- The surgeon will make a single incision in the skin and abdominal muscles so that the organs underneath can be seen clearly.
- The organs are examined carefully, such as whether there is an infection, inflammation or tumor.
- After the problem is found, the surgeon can immediately overcome the problem right away, for example sewing a hollow intestine. However, it did not rule out the possibility of a second operation.
- The doctor will stitch back the incision in the skin and abdominal muscles, after the laparotomy is complete.
3. Postoperative procedures
After the Laparatomi surgery procedure is finished, there are a number of things that the patient needs to undergo, namely:- Observed in a special recovery room, to wait for the effects of anesthesia is reduced.
- A small tube is attached from the nose to the stomach, which serves to clean the stomach fluid and help rest the stomach.
- A catheter tube is placed in the urinary tract to help pass urine.
- An IV tube was placed as a source of fluid, because usually patients are not allowed to eat and drink for several days after surgery.
- Taking pain medication, because the former operation will usually be painful and make the patient uncomfortable.
- Practice walking as soon as possible, or when the body is strong enough. This is to avoid the risk of blood clots.
- Stay in the hospital for several days after the procedure. To really recover and be able to move as before, it may take about 6 weeks.
Risks That Can Appear
Just like surgery and other treatments, Laparatomy surgery also has a risk of complications, including:- Bleeding
- Infection
- Damage to internal organs
- Scar tissue formation in internal organs
- Reaction to drugs
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